Urban Farm for Your Building

We have partnered with your landlord to install autonomous Wall Gardens in your apartment free of charge!

Did you know your food comes from 1,500 miles away?

Most produce in the store is 7 days old and has lost about half of its taste and nutrition by the time it is bought. This is not to mention all the pesticides and plastics that went into extending its shelf life. The solution is to grow your own food, but we know how complicated that can be.

The Wall Garden

Mounted like a TV at 33" x 33" x 6", the Wall Garden brings elegance and nature into your apartment without sacrificing any space. Better yet, it grows food automatically! Grow lights mimic the sun and sensors control water delivery, giving plants exactly what they need.We install the Wall Gardens for you in under 30 minutes and all you have to do is fill it up with water every 2 weeks.

Better yet, it's already paid for

We are covering the full upfront cost of the Wall Garden. For a $39/month membership (pause or cancel anytime) you receive:

  • A selection of 10 different plants every month.

  • Software that controls and monitors your plant growth.

  • Full access to a support community of urban gardeners.

Good Taste Never
Tasted so Good

Imagine having vibrant greens like Red Butter Lettuce for salads, basil for a batch of pesto, and even specialty sprouts like Lemon Balm and Sorrel all growing on your Wall. Select from an expanding catalog of more than 15 plants every month

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